As long as you have prepared your home for your summer holiday absence, you can put it to the back of your mind until you return. But there’s always some cleaning to do when you return. Dust stops for no one, so it’s better to be prepared for it.
It’s amazing how much dirt, grime and dust can accumulate while you’re sunning yourself on a beach. But if you’re prepared for a little extra cleaning on your return home, the transition process doesn’t have to be too difficult.
Here are a “back to home” tips that should make your arrival back home as relaxing and worry-free as possible.
Start at the beginning
Before you leave, it’s always a good idea to devote a few hours to a deep clean. Imagine, you’re cleaning a hotel room that has to be perfect for the next guest. Everything should be spotlessly clean, odour-free and tidy before you set off. If you can find the time for a deep clean, the cleaning required on your return should be minimal.
Open all your internal doors before leaving
Before you leave, make sure all of your internal doors are open, as well as the doors to your wardrobes and closets. This will ensure your entire home remains well ventilated — essential for stopping the development of mould, mildew and musty smells.
Start with laundry
Particularly if you have just returned from a long-haul journey, the last thing you’ll want to do is start cleaning. But get straight into your “back to home” routines to beat the jet lag and get ahead. The most logical place to begin is with your holiday laundry. Your laundry baskets are probably empty after a long absence, so if you can clean and dry your holiday clothes within the first 24 hours, you’ll be in a great position.
Take an extra day
Once you get back into the old routines, cleaning becomes increasingly difficult. Always try to schedule a final day at the end of your summer holiday for cleaning and getting your home into order.
Use this day wisely, and make sure you have help. Designate a place for dirty laundry and items such as new purchases — otherwise cleaning and getting your home in order can become a lot more difficult that it needs to be.
Vacuum throughout
The biggest issue you’re likely to face on your return is dust. It doesn’t matter how well you clean before you travel, dust will be waiting for you when you get home. To keep your upholstered furniture dust-free, protect it with dust covers. But when it comes to carpets, there’s no substitute for a thorough clean with a powerful vacuum cleaner.
For the easiest and most effective job, search the Internet for the “best vacuum cleaner for thick carpets”. These models usually come with a range of settings, configurations and accessories.
Check your bathroom and kitchen
No matter how well you clean your kitchen and bathroom, there’s bound to be some moisture left when you head off on your holiday. Over the course of a week or two, this can lead to accumulations of mould and mildew. So, as soon as you return, check for black growth in every corner and recess of both rooms. If you find any, you should be able to remove superficial accumulations with an everyday cleaning agent.
Check all of your appliances
It’s also possible that odours and mould have developed in and around your main household appliances. The likes of your dishwasher, your washing machine and your kettle are all susceptible to mould, particularly during a hot and humid summer. Where you find minor accumulations, a little white vinegar and some baking powder should be enough to remove it.
Clean your glass
A humid summer can play havoc with your windows and mirrors. As a matter of priority, clean all of your glass with a solution of white vinegar and water. Alternatively, use a steam cleaner with a squeegee attachment.
As you haven’t been in your home, there shouldn’t be too much to do. And this is just as well, as it can take quite a while to get back into the swing of things after a long break. Tackle the dust, look for mould and start your laundry the second you walk through the door. Hit the ground running, and your return won’t involve too much hard work.