Bird droppings are a nuisance at the best of times, but they’re particularly annoying during the summer. There are more birds around during the summer, and if you’re anywhere near a coastline, there are probably seagulls circling your car every day.
It’s important to act quickly when you notice bird mess on your car. Not only is it easier to remove when it’s fresh, bird faeces can cause permanent damage to bodywork if left to set in.
The next time you notice a horrible mess on your car, follow these simple tips.
Act quickly with wipes
The faster you act, the easier removing bird poo is. Specialist cleaning agents contain chemicals that neutralise the things in bird droppings that cause serious damage to paintwork — but they need to be applied quickly. With this in mind, keep a stash of specialised wipes in your car. If the mess is fresh, a couple of wipes should be enough to remove all traces of nastiness.
Use soda water to loosen older messes
If the mess is a little older and has had an opportunity to take hold, use some soda water to soften and loosen the dried poo. Give the soda water around 15 minutes of contact time, and then wipe it dry with a thick paper towel.
What should I do if the bird droppings have hardened?
If you notice a particularly old mess that has had time to harden in the sun, your approach needs to be a little different.
Soften — Soften the stain with soda water, and wait at least 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can place a dampened rag over the mess to gradually soften it.
Scrub — Using a soft, clean and dampened cloth, wipe the bird poo to remove the worst of it. It’s a good idea to wear rubber gloves for this job, as bird droppings can contain harmful pathogens.
Rinse and repeat — Once you’ve removed the worst of the mess, rinse with water and polish dry. If you notice streaks afterwards, you should be able to remove them with standard screenwash. If some of the mess remains, repeat the above steps.
What cleaning agents can I use to remove bird mess?
Bird mess left to harden on paintwork can cause a permanent “etching” effect. So there’s a balance to be struck between removing all of it as quickly as possible and protecting your bodywork from the potentially damaging effects of using chemicals.
In most cases, you should be able to use your everyday carwashing detergent, although this might involve a full wash. You can use a standard dishwashing detergent too, but this can leave a greasy residue behind.
If you don’t want to use any cleaning agents, you also have the option of using nothing but water. A quick pressure wash should remove most of the mess. Alternatively, a handheld steam cleaner can cut through hardened bird poo in next to no time.
So, the process is relatively straightforward. Just remember these four key steps:
- Wipe up bird mess as soon as you see it. If it’s still soft, you’ll need nothing more than a wipe.
- Use specialised cleaning agents to neutralise the chemicals in bird poo that can permanently damage paintwork.
- Soften hardened bird droppings before trying to wipe them off.
- Never press too hard when wiping up bird poo — you could cause lasting damage to your bodywork.
Follow these simple steps, and bird droppings shouldn’t cause permanent damage to your car.