Whether you’re putting in a conservatory or converting a loft, a certain amount of dirt and dust is unavoidable. No matter how careful work you or your tradespeople are, you will need to spend a significant amount of time cleaning up when the work is done.
But you can limit the cleaning required after renovations and major repairs by taking the following steps.
1. Remove as much as possible
Before the work starts on your home, you should try to remove as many of your possessions as possible. Find a temporary home for furniture, fixtures and fittings, and move electrical items when the work is being carried out. It might also be a good idea to remove clothes from areas that might be affected by dirt and dust.
2. Cover
If there are items that are simply too large to move, you might need to cover them. Invest in some dust sheets for fragile or upholstered items such as TVs, sofas and dining tables. It may also be a good idea to cover carpet and wood flooring. This should stop dirt and dust from finding its ways into nooks and crannies — making the subsequent cleaning tasks a great deal easier.
3. Seal the area
Although this will require some cooperation from any contractors you’re using, it will pay dividends when it’s time to clean. In order to stop debris and dust from leaving the room being worked on, measures to isolate the work area should be taken. This might be something as simple as closing doors, or it could involve the hanging of dust curtains and the use of specialist covers for tools. A reliable contractor will take steps to isolate the work area automatically. Large tarps and plastic drapes can be used to complete isolate a room from the rest of the home.
4. Create clean pathways
If the work on your home involves an internal room, you should prepare for contractors coming and going on a regular basis. If these contractors have to walk through other rooms or hallways to reach the work area, the potential for dust and dirt in different areas of your home is high. Use old carpets, sheets, and plastic covers to make clean pathways in and out of your property. These will protect your hard floors and carpets from dirt and premature damage.
At the end of every work day, remove the covers, and shake them off outside. This will minimise the amount of dust and dirt being dispersed into areas of your home that aren’t being worked on.
5. Clean regularly
A lot of people make the mistake of waiting until an entire renovation project is finished before starting the cleanup. By cleaning up every day after work has finished, you can keep on top of dust and dirt. Ask your contractors to perform a cleanup just before they leave for the day, which should prevent the rest of your home becoming a construction site.
6. Allow the air to flow
Renovations can cause the air quality in your home to deteriorate very quickly indeed. Whenever possible, make sure there are plenty of windows open throughout your home. However, try to keep internal doors in the rooms being renovated closed.
7. Always be vacuuming
The type of coarse, gritty dust caused by many home renovations has the potential to damage carpet and real wood floors if it is trodden underfoot. It is therefore a good idea to initiate a stringent schedule of vacuuming. Even if your floors don’t look like they need it, clean them at regular intervals to prevent scratches and scuffs.
There is always an element of dirt and dust to deal with during home renovations, but taking a few precautions should keep the problem well under control.